Pedigree of:
(M) 2008-04-22, DN22472101, Brindle, COI=5.29%,AVK=21.31%
Edencare Justin 2001-08-25, SA.BT002403, Brindle, COI=3.12%, AVK=11.00% |
Von Elnzelhugel Carl , SA.BP018829 , COI=2.41%, AVK=14.71% |
South AFR Ch Bart Helijvon Ophra v h Molengat |
Von Einzelhugel Britt |
Amber (9) , SA.BQ008780 COI=%, AVK=0.29% |
Mapoochie Henk of von Einzelhugel |
Von Einzelhugel Alessandra |
Voodoo's Evening in Paris 2004-11-22, DN10361401, Brindle, COI=22.16%, AVK=23.07% |
Am/Can Ch Do N Dares Lethal Weapon 2000-01-07, CKC.KA648866, Grey Brindle, COI=20.04%, AVK=25.86% |
Am Ch Avion's XKE at Susant's Am HT, PT |
Can Ch Nebadons Wee Wicked Fire Witch |
Am Ch Mon Amie the Warrior Princess 1999-04-23, DL79809001 , COI=19.58%, AVK=20.09% |
Am Ch Uyrie Haike v h Grendarcohof |
Mon Amie Minuit |