Pedigree of:
(F) 2018-02-27, LOSH.1267167 , COI=21.81%,AVK=23.66%
Lord From the Dogsfarm 2015-01-25, NHSB.2994694, Brindle, COI=34.54%, AVK=14.81% |
Freedom From the Dogsfarm 2009-09-04, NHSB.2763253, Brindle, COI=26.87%, AVK=18.62% |
Herman From The Dogsfarm |
Zero One One From the Dogsfarm |
Handsome From the Dogsfarm 2011-07-28, NHSB.2849066, Brindle, COI=31.61%, AVK=12.76% |
Jan from the Dogsfarm (1) |
Sella from the Dogsfarm |
Jade Dior Off The Eurisever 2013-04-19, NHSB.2920566, Brindle, COI=20.24%, AVK=24.44% |
Jef v d Doornhoek , LOSH.1083088 , COI=23.20%, AVK=20.28% |
Van Gogh de la Plaine des Flandres |
Gemma van't Hertendal |
Dior Abissha Off the Eurisever 2009-08-19, NHSB.2760565, Brindle, COI=16.96%, AVK=23.46% |
Lux, Duits, Ned Kamp Khane Monza v Dafzicht Int, Shoonheidkamp, Bung3wwieger 2009, E |
NL Du J CH Abissha Essi Off the Eurosever |