Bouvier des Flandres Pedigrees
Reverse pedigree of:
Stenlunda Kjell-Kodein
(M) 1980-05-22, S38195/80, Brindle, COI=21.65%,AVK=11.63%
Stenlunda Miss av Anneli
1985-09-29, S67485/85, Brindle, COI=44.25%, AVK=9.38%
Humbug's Identical Dance
1988-10-05, S63689/88, Brindle, COI=17.51%, AVK=16.91%
Humbug's Ignorant Dance
1988-10-05, S63683/88, Brindle, COI=17.51%, AVK=16.91%
Humbug's Illusion Dance
1988-10-05, S63685/88, Brindle, COI=17.51%, AVK=16.91%
Stenlunda Namby-Pamby Dance
1993-03-27, S29080/93, Brindle, COI=21.85%, AVK=16.91%
Gråbjörnens Beanita Urbana
1997-09-09, S50342/97 , COI=24.98%, AVK=16.32%
Mc Coy's Honki Tonk Angel Of Elina
2000-03-23, S24824/2000, Brindle, COI=16.49%, AVK=21.11%
Mc Coy's Precious Pearl Of Elina
2000-03-23, S24825/2000, Brindle, COI=16.49%, AVK=21.11%
Mc Coy's Razzle-Dazzle Of Elina
2000-03-23, S24822/2000, Brindle, COI=16.49%, AVK=21.11%
Mc Coy's Tittle Tattle Of Elina
2000-03-23, S24823/2000, Brindle, COI=16.49%, AVK=21.11%
Stenlunda X-Arene Cybele
1998-03-27, S26576/98, Brindle, COI=25.19%, AVK=16.13%
Stenlunda X-Icka Cybele
1998-03-27, S26573/98, Brindle, COI=25.19%, AVK=16.13%
Stenlunda X-Ilja Cybele
1998-03-27, S26577/98, Brindle, COI=25.19%, AVK=16.13%
Stenlunda X-Illa Cybele
1998-03-27, S26574/98, Brindle, COI=25.19%, AVK=16.13%
Zwilling's We-Ofasa Af X-Illa
2004-06-09, S48474/2006, Brindle, COI=17.94%, AVK=21.46%
Zwilling's Wenus-Xilla
2004-06-09, S48478/2006, Brindle, COI=17.94%, AVK=21.46%
Zwilling's Westa-Xilla
2004-06-09, S48477/2006, Brindle, COI=17.94%, AVK=21.46%
Zwilling's Widar-Xilla
2004-06-09, S48476/2006, Brindle, COI=17.94%, AVK=21.46%
Zwilling's Wilie-Xilla
2004-06-09, S48475/2006, Brindle, COI=17.94%, AVK=21.46%
Stenlunda X-Imma Cybele
1998-03-27, S26572/98, Brindle, COI=25.19%, AVK=16.13%
Stenlunda X-Iria Cybele
1998-03-27, S26575/98, Brindle, COI=25.19%, AVK=16.13%
Stenlunda Yakima Cybele
2000-03-22, S24581/2000, Brindle, COI=25.19%, AVK=16.13%
Stenlunda Youtah Cybele
2000-03-22, S24584/2000, Brindle, COI=25.19%, AVK=16.13%
Stenlunda Yuchi-Cybele
2000-03-22, S24582/2000, Brindle, COI=25.19%, AVK=16.13%
Stenlunda Äbba-Lill-Y
2004-01-04, S15019/2004, Brindle, COI=18.72%, AVK=21.70%
Stenlunda Alla-Baby
2004-01-04, S15021/2004, Brindle, COI=18.72%, AVK=21.70%
Stenlunda Almer-Y
2004-01-04, S15015/2004, Brindle, COI=18.72%, AVK=21.70%
Stenlunda Alva-My
2004-01-04, S15020/2004, Brindle, COI=18.72%, AVK=21.70%
Stenlunda Alvar-Y
2004-01-04, S15012/2004, Brindle, COI=18.72%, AVK=21.70%
Stenlunda Ammy-Lou
2004-01-04, S15018/2004, Brindle, COI=18.72%, AVK=21.70%
Stenlunda Andie-Y
2004-01-04, S15017/2004, Brindle, COI=18.72%, AVK=21.70%
Stenlunda Anzo-Y
2004-01-04, S15016/2004, Brindle, COI=18.72%, AVK=21.70%
Stenlunda Arner-Y
2004-01-04, S15013/2004, Brindle, COI=18.72%, AVK=21.70%
Stenlunda Arric-Y
2004-01-04, S15014/2004, Brindle, COI=18.72%, AVK=21.70%
Stenlunda Artan-Suss-Y
2004-01-04, S15022/2004, Brindle, COI=18.72%, AVK=21.70%
Stenlunda Eau Chloé Yuchi
2002-10-08, S58188/2002, Brindle, COI=17.99%, AVK=22.19%
Stenlunda Eau Cristobal Yuchi
2002-10-08, S58186/2002, Brindle, COI=17.99%, AVK=22.19%
Stenlunda Eau d'Issey Yuchi
2002-10-08, S58192/2002, Brindle, COI=17.99%, AVK=22.19%
Stenlunda Eau Finesse Yuchi
2002-10-08, S58191/2002, Brindle, COI=17.99%, AVK=22.19%
Stenlunda Eau J'Adore Yuchi
2002-10-08, S58185/2002, Brindle, COI=17.99%, AVK=22.19%
Stenlunda Eau Jackpot Yuchi
2002-10-08, S58184/2002, Brindle, COI=17.99%, AVK=22.19%
Stenlunda Eau Joop Yuchi
2002-10-08, S58187/2002, Brindle, COI=17.99%, AVK=22.19%
Stenlunda Eau Memoire Yuchi
2002-10-08, S58193/2002, Brindle, COI=17.99%, AVK=22.19%
Stenlunda Eau Mexx Man Yuchi
2002-10-08, S58183/2002, Brindle, COI=17.99%, AVK=22.19%
Stenlunda Eau Sunflower Yuchi
2002-10-08, S58189/2002, Brindle, COI=17.99%, AVK=22.19%
Stenlunda Eau You Yuchi
2002-10-08, S58190/2002, Brindle, COI=17.99%, AVK=22.19%
Stenlunda Joop Yuchi
2002-10-08, S58187/2000, Brindle, COI=17.99%, AVK=22.19%
Stenlunda Machilly De Yuchi
2005-11-15, S68283/2005, Brindle, COI=19.97%, AVK=23.26%
Stenlunda Maroc De Yuchi
2005-11-15, S68285/2005, Brindle, COI=19.97%, AVK=23.26%
Stenlunda Marquise De Yuchi
2005-11-15, S68284/2005, Brindle, COI=19.97%, AVK=23.26%
Stenlunda Merlette De Yuchi
2005-11-15, S68286/2005, Brindle, COI=19.97%, AVK=23.26%
Stenlunda Mirande De Yuchi
2005-11-15, S68287/2005, Brindle, COI=19.97%, AVK=23.26%
Stenlunda Miribel De Yuchi
2005-11-15, S68288/2005, Brindle, COI=19.97%, AVK=23.26%
Stenlunda Yuma-Cybele
2000-03-22, S24583/2000, Brindle, COI=25.19%, AVK=16.13%
Cocopa-Yuma (1)
2006-07-12, S52346/2006, Brindle, COI=23.23%, AVK=17.79%
2006-07-12, S52347/2006, Brindle, COI=23.23%, AVK=17.79%
2006-07-12, S52344/2006, Brindle, COI=23.23%, AVK=17.79%
2006-07-12, S52345/2006, Brindle, COI=23.23%, AVK=17.79%
Stenlunda Ada-Gunn Av Yuma
2004-06-03, S45236/2004, Brindle, COI=17.78%, AVK=22.14%
Stenlunda Allegård Av Yuma
2004-06-03, S45238/2004, Brindle, COI=17.78%, AVK=22.14%
Stenlunda Alvid-Erk Av Yuma
2004-06-03, S45235/2004, Brindle, COI=17.78%, AVK=22.14%
Stenlunda Anna-Mai Av Yuma
2004-06-03, S45237/2004, Brindle, COI=17.78%, AVK=22.14%
Stenlunda Annemo Av Yuma
2004-06-03, S45239/2004, Brindle, COI=17.78%, AVK=22.14%
Stenlunda Arn-Finn Av Yuma
2004-06-03, S45233/2004, Brindle, COI=17.78%, AVK=22.14%
Stenlunda Assur-Leiv Av Yuma
2004-06-03, S45234/2004, Brindle, COI=17.78%, AVK=22.14%
Stenlunda Yurok Cybele
2000-03-22, S24580/2000, Brindle, COI=25.19%, AVK=16.13%
1995-08-17, S49810/95, Brindle, COI=23.50%, AVK=15.05%
1995-08-17, S49811/95, Brindle, COI=23.50%, AVK=15.05%
Stenlunda Never-Ending Dance
1993-03-27, S29087/93, Brindle, COI=21.85%, AVK=16.91%
Stenlunda New-Naphtali Dance
1993-03-27, S29083/93, Brindle, COI=21.85%, AVK=16.91%
Stenlunda New-Ness Dance
1993-03-27, S29086/93, Brindle, COI=21.85%, AVK=16.91%
Stenlunda Nick-Nack Dance
1993-03-27, S29081/93, Brindle, COI=21.85%, AVK=16.91%
Stenlunda Niddle-Noddle Dance
1993-03-27, S29079/93, Brindle, COI=21.85%, AVK=16.91%
Stenlunda Niminy-Piminy Dance
1993-03-27, S29084/93, Brindle, COI=21.85%, AVK=16.91%
Stenlunda Nou-Nou Dance
1993-03-27, S29085/93, Brindle, COI=21.85%, AVK=16.91%
1994-03-30, S31144/94, Brindle, COI=31.43%, AVK=15.35%
1994-03-30, S31143/94, Brindle, COI=31.43%, AVK=15.35%
1994-03-30, S31142/94 , COI=31.43%, AVK=15.35%
Bagatell-Nou (1)
1997-03-18, S27029/97, Brindle, COI=31.43%, AVK=15.35%
1997-03-18, S27032/97, Brindle, COI=31.43%, AVK=15.35%
Bessie-Nou (1)
1997-03-18, S27030/97 , COI=31.43%, AVK=15.35%
1997-03-18, S27028/97, Brindle, COI=31.43%, AVK=15.35%
1997-03-18, S27025/97, Brindle, COI=31.43%, AVK=15.35%
1997-03-18, S27027/97, Brindle, COI=31.43%, AVK=15.35%
1997-03-18, S27026/97, Brindle, COI=31.43%, AVK=15.35%
1997-03-18, S27031/97, Brindle, COI=31.43%, AVK=15.35%
Stenlunda Nozzle-Nuzzle Dance
1993-03-27, S29082/93, Brindle, COI=21.85%, AVK=16.91%
Stenlunda Ulf-D
1995-05-04, S35241/95, Brindle, COI=24.40%, AVK=16.32%
Stenlunda Ulla-D
1995-05-04, S35243/95, Brindle, COI=24.40%, AVK=16.32%
1999-12-28, S12958/2000 , COI=20.33%, AVK=14.52%
1999-12-28, S12959/2000 , COI=20.33%, AVK=14.52%
1999-12-28, S12960/2000, Brindle, COI=20.33%, AVK=14.52%
1999-12-28, S12961/2000 , COI=20.33%, AVK=14.52%
1999-12-28, S12957/2000 , COI=20.33%, AVK=14.52%
Stenlunda Ulvi-D
1995-05-04, S35244/95, Brindle, COI=24.40%, AVK=16.32%
Stenlunda Unni-D
1995-05-04, S35245/95, Brindle, COI=24.40%, AVK=16.32%
Stenlunda Uno-D
1995-05-04, S352240/95, Brindle, COI=24.40%, AVK=16.32%
Stenlunda Uwe-D
1995-05-04, S352242/95, Brindle, COI=24.40%, AVK=16.32%
Humbug's Imperial Dance
1988-10-05, S63681/88, Brindle, COI=17.51%, AVK=16.91%
Humbug's Independent Dance
1988-10-05, S63684/88, Brindle, COI=17.51%, AVK=16.91%
Humbug's Infinite Dance
1988-10-05, S63686/88, Brindle, COI=17.51%, AVK=16.91%
1991-04-24 , COI=23.72%, AVK=13.78%
1991-04-24, S38717/91, Brindle, COI=23.72%, AVK=13.78%
1991-04-24, S38718/91, Brindle, COI=23.72%, AVK=13.78%
1991-04-24, S38714/91, Brindle, COI=23.72%, AVK=13.78%
1991-04-24, S38715/91, Brindle, COI=23.72%, AVK=13.78%
1991-04-24, S38719/91, Brindle, COI=23.72%, AVK=13.78%
1991-04-24, S38711/91, Brindle, COI=23.72%, AVK=13.78%
1991-04-24, S38716/91, Brindle, COI=23.72%, AVK=13.78%
Humbug's Insolent Dance
1988-10-05, S63682/88, Brindle, COI=17.51%, AVK=16.91%
Humbug's Intensive Dance
1988-10-05, S63687/88, Brindle, COI=17.51%, AVK=16.91%
Humbug's Invisible Dance
1988-10-05, S63688/88, Brindle, COI=17.51%, AVK=16.91%