Reverse pedigree of:
(M) 1984-12-27 , COI=15.46%,AVK=16.37%
Brandywine Farthing's 1987-04-13 , COI=18.40%, AVK=13.64% |
Brandywine Bracegirdle 1991-02-12 , COI=19.31%, AVK=16.23% |
Brandywine Butterbur Of Barnsdale 1991-02-12 , COI=19.31%, AVK=16.23% |
Brandywine Cotton 1991-02-12 , COI=19.31%, AVK=16.23% |
Brandywine Dark Lord 1991-02-12 , COI=19.31%, AVK=16.23% |
Brandywine East Farthing at Pegasus 1991-02-12 , COI=19.31%, AVK=16.23% |
Pegasus Bach 1993-08-07 , COI=20.64%, AVK=16.28% |
Pegasus Becaud 1993-08-07 , COI=20.64%, AVK=16.28% |
Pegasus Beethoven 1993-08-07 , COI=20.64%, AVK=16.28% |
Pegasus Fontaine 1997-04-28 , COI=32.79%, AVK=16.42% |
Pegasus Fontanesi 1997-04-28 , COI=32.79%, AVK=16.42% |
Kenyee Aphrodites 1998-09-10 , COI=20.25%, AVK=21.36% |
Kenyee Crom 1998-09-10 , COI=20.25%, AVK=21.36% |
Kenyee Hera 1998-09-10 , COI=20.25%, AVK=21.36% |
Kenyee Madusa 1998-09-10 , COI=20.25%, AVK=21.36% |
Kenyee Odine 1998-09-10 , COI=20.25%, AVK=21.36% |
Kenyee Pandora 1998-09-10 , COI=20.25%, AVK=21.36% |
Kenyee Thor 1998-09-10 , COI=20.25%, AVK=21.36% |
Kenyee Venus 1998-09-10 , COI=20.25%, AVK=21.36% |
Pegasus Fouquet 1997-04-28 , COI=32.79%, AVK=16.42% |
Pegasus Fra Angelico 1997-04-28 , COI=32.79%, AVK=16.42% |
Pegasus Francesco 1997-04-28 , COI=32.79%, AVK=16.42% |
Pegasus Francois 1997-04-28 , COI=32.79%, AVK=16.42% |
Pegasus Friedrich 1997-04-28 , COI=32.79%, AVK=16.42% |
Pegasus Berger 1993-08-07 , COI=20.64%, AVK=16.28% |
Pegasus Berlioz 1993-08-07 , COI=20.64%, AVK=16.28% |
Pegasus Bizet 1993-08-07 , COI=20.64%, AVK=16.28% |
Pegasus Dali 1995-12-31 , COI=22.42%, AVK=19.16% |
Pegasus Dante 1995-12-31 , COI=22.42%, AVK=19.16% |
Pegasus Degas 1995-12-31 , COI=22.42%, AVK=19.16% |
Pegasus Domenichino 1995-12-31 , COI=22.42%, AVK=19.16% |
Pegasus Domenico 1995-12-31 , COI=22.42%, AVK=19.16% |
Pegasus Duccio 1995-12-31 , COI=22.42%, AVK=19.16% |
Pegasus Durer 1995-12-31 , COI=22.42%, AVK=19.16% |
Pegasus Boccherini 1993-08-07 , COI=20.64%, AVK=16.28% |
Pegasus Borodin 1993-08-07 , COI=20.64%, AVK=16.28% |
Pegasus Brahms 1993-08-07 , COI=20.64%, AVK=16.28% |
Pegasus Brechth 1993-08-07 , COI=20.64%, AVK=16.28% |
Pegasus Canaletto 1994-08-16 , COI=20.64%, AVK=16.28% |
Pegasus Caravaggio 1994-08-16 , COI=20.64%, AVK=16.28% |
Pegasus Carracci 1994-08-16 , COI=20.64%, AVK=16.28% |
Pegasus Chardin 1994-08-16 , COI=20.64%, AVK=16.28% |
Pegasus Cimabue 1994-08-16 , COI=20.64%, AVK=16.28% |
Pegasus Constable 1994-08-16 , COI=20.64%, AVK=16.28% |
Pegasus Courbet 1994-08-16 , COI=20.64%, AVK=16.28% |
Pegasus Crivelli 1994-08-16 , COI=20.64%, AVK=16.28% |
Pegasus El-Amarna 1996-06-20 , COI=20.50%, AVK=19.06% |
Pegasus Epidaurus 1996-06-20 , COI=20.50%, AVK=19.06% |
Pegasus Erasmus 1996-06-20 , COI=20.50%, AVK=19.06% |
Pegasus Eugene 1996-06-20 , COI=20.50%, AVK=19.06% |
Pegasus Euthymides 1996-06-20 , COI=20.50%, AVK=19.06% |
Pegasus Van Eyck 1996-06-20 , COI=20.50%, AVK=19.06% |
Brandywine Hornblower 1991-02-12 , COI=19.31%, AVK=16.23% |
Brandywine Ring Finder 1991-02-12 , COI=19.31%, AVK=16.23% |
Brandywine Vilya 1991-02-12 , COI=19.31%, AVK=16.23% |
Brandywine Fatty Lumpkin 1987-04-13 , COI=18.40%, AVK=13.64% |
Brandywine Fengen 1987-04-13 , COI=18.40%, AVK=13.64% |
Brandywine Ferny 1987-04-13 , COI=18.40%, AVK=13.64% |
Brandywine Firefoot 1987-04-13 , COI=18.40%, AVK=13.64% |
Brandywine Flour Dumpling 1987-04-13 , COI=18.40%, AVK=13.64% |
Brandywine Folca at Polfry 1987-04-13 , COI=18.40%, AVK=13.64% |
Ebony Royale Of Pegston 1988-11-07 , COI=19.89%, AVK=15.15% |
Fairytale Moonbeam 1992-08-29 , COI=21.29%, AVK=14.52% |
Farrahs Delight 1992-08-29 , COI=21.29%, AVK=14.52% |
Felcrest Marquis 1992-08-29 , COI=21.29%, AVK=14.52% |
Flamboyant Blaze 1992-08-29 , COI=21.29%, AVK=14.52% |
Flexis Radient 1992-08-29 , COI=21.29%, AVK=14.52% |
Flixx Majestic 1992-08-29 , COI=21.29%, AVK=14.52% |
Hackness Hercules 1997-05-16 , COI=20.47%, AVK=19.16% |
Kenex Hannibal 1997-05-16 , COI=20.47%, AVK=19.16% |
Kenex Holly 1997-05-16 , COI=20.47%, AVK=19.16% |
Kenex Honeybun 1997-05-16 , COI=20.47%, AVK=19.16% |
Kenex Honeysuckle 1997-05-16 , COI=20.47%, AVK=19.16% |
Kenex Hyacinth 1997-05-16 , COI=20.47%, AVK=19.16% |
Fox Cub 1989-05-02 , COI=21.29%, AVK=14.52% |
Foxy Fable 1988-11-07 , COI=19.89%, AVK=15.15% |
Friendly Foxtrot 1989-05-02 , COI=21.29%, AVK=14.52% |
General Gilbert Of Glynalmar 1988-11-07 , COI=19.89%, AVK=15.15% |
Golden Moment 1989-05-02 , COI=21.29%, AVK=14.52% |
Grey Fox 1989-05-02 , COI=21.29%, AVK=14.52% |
Kildwicks Foxy Lady 1992-08-29 , COI=21.29%, AVK=14.52% |
Little Black 1989-05-02 , COI=21.29%, AVK=14.52% |
Mountain Snowy 1989-05-02 , COI=21.29%, AVK=14.52% |
Mr Dillon Of Mishow 1988-11-07 , COI=19.89%, AVK=15.15% |
Shack Le Tondykes 1988-11-07 , COI=19.89%, AVK=15.15% |
Silver Wolf 1989-05-02 , COI=21.29%, AVK=14.52% |
Slinky Sable 1989-05-02 , COI=21.29%, AVK=14.52% |
Smokey Fox 1989-05-02 , COI=21.29%, AVK=14.52% |
Smokey Grey 1989-05-02 , COI=21.29%, AVK=14.52% |
Tawny Owl 1989-05-02 , COI=21.29%, AVK=14.52% |
Wayward Remi 1988-11-07 , COI=19.89%, AVK=15.15% |
Brandywine Frea 1987-04-13 , COI=18.40%, AVK=13.64% |
Brandywine Fredegas 1987-04-13 , COI=18.40%, AVK=13.64% |
Bullswater Baldrick 1988-03-13 , COI=14.64%, AVK=15.88% |
Crystal Possom 1988-03-13 , COI=14.64%, AVK=15.88% |
Greys Solidarity 1988-03-13 , COI=14.64%, AVK=15.88% |
Leopold Monchelsea 1988-03-13 , COI=14.64%, AVK=15.88% |
Sacul O-Men 1986-06-23 , COI=18.35%, AVK=13.10% |
Sacul Only 1986-06-23 , COI=18.35%, AVK=13.10% |
Sacul Alastra 1989-11-12 , COI=23.70%, AVK=15.79% |
Sacul Alberrt At Brimarville 1989-11-12 , COI=23.70%, AVK=15.79% |
Sacul Alcapone 1989-11-12 , COI=23.70%, AVK=15.79% |
Sacul Allee 1989-11-12 , COI=23.70%, AVK=15.79% |
Sacul Alloe 1989-11-12 , COI=23.70%, AVK=15.79% |
Sacul Ammee 1989-11-12 , COI=23.70%, AVK=15.79% |
Sacul Astraa 1989-11-12 , COI=23.70%, AVK=15.79% |
Sacul Caleb 1991-01-04 , COI=17.73%, AVK=13.88% |
Sacul Calow 1991-01-04 , COI=17.73%, AVK=13.88% |
Sacul Carbaret 1991-01-04 , COI=17.73%, AVK=13.88% |
Sacul Chant 1991-01-04 , COI=17.73%, AVK=13.88% |
Sacul Chase 1991-01-04 , COI=17.73%, AVK=13.88% |
Brutus Bukara 1995-08-02 , COI=18.40%, AVK=15.44% |
Cesar Afshar 1995-08-02 , COI=18.40%, AVK=15.44% |
Kelim Kate 1995-08-02 , COI=18.40%, AVK=15.44% |
Marcus Wilton 1995-08-02 , COI=18.40%, AVK=15.44% |
Persha Penny 1995-08-02 , COI=18.40%, AVK=15.44% |
Sacul Collusion 1991-01-04 , COI=17.73%, AVK=13.88% |
Sacul Ebby 1991-07-19 , COI=23.70%, AVK=15.79% |
Sacul Ebygumm 1991-07-19 , COI=23.70%, AVK=15.79% |
Sacul Emir 1991-07-19 , COI=23.70%, AVK=15.79% |
Sacul Estelle 1991-07-19 , COI=23.70%, AVK=15.79% |
Sacul European 1991-07-19 , COI=23.70%, AVK=15.79% |
Sacul Evergreen 1991-07-19 , COI=23.70%, AVK=15.79% |
Sacul Everlasting 1991-07-19 , COI=23.70%, AVK=15.79% |
Sacul Evve 1991-07-19 , COI=23.70%, AVK=15.79% |
Sacul Java 1993-06-30 , COI=19.98%, AVK=17.74% |
Sacul Jefferson 1993-06-30 , COI=19.98%, AVK=17.74% |
Sacul Johanna 1993-06-30 , COI=19.98%, AVK=17.74% |
Sacul Julius 1993-06-30 , COI=19.98%, AVK=17.74% |
Sacul Osley 1986-06-23 , COI=18.35%, AVK=13.10% |